Welcome to Optimization 2017!
Click here to find some curious facts about the conference

The main objective of the Optimization 2017 conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from different areas and backgrounds, but with common interests in Optimization. This meeting has international recognition as an important forum of discussion and exchange of ideas. It is the 9th edition of a series of international conferences in optimization organized in Portugal under the auspices of APDIO (the Portuguese Operations Research Society). The conference will take place in the Faculdade de Ciências of the Universidade de Lisboa, September 6-8, 2017.
Optimization 2017 will host during the first day of the conference, in parallel with the conference sessions, a Workshop celebrating the 60th birthday of our dear colleague Luís Gouveia (Universidade de Lisboa), a well-known researcher in the field of Discrete and Network Optimization who significantly contributed to the development of the Optimization/OR research community in Portugal.
The previous Optimization conferences took place in: Guimarães (2014), Lisboa (2011), Porto (2007), Lisboa (2004), Aveiro (2001), Coimbra (1998), Braga (1995), Coimbra (1991). |
Optimization 2017 wants to contribute to a greener planet and, for this reason, some actions have been taken such as, part of the conference material for participants is recycled and the Book of Abstracts will be distributed electronically on a USB pen.